Vishwamohan Anusthan
This anusthan is done specifically for people belonging to film & fashion industry for success & fame
What is VishwaMohan Anusthan?
VishwaMohan Anusthan is a very specific type of anusthan which generally takes a minimum of 35 days to complete. This anusthan is done for improvement & enhancement in career specifically for people related to media & film industry.
Why is VishwaMohan Anusthan done?
This anusthan is done for improvement & enhancement in career specifically for people related to media & film industry.
Who should do VishwaMohan Anusthan?
Only celibate (Brahamchari) priests are allowed to perform this anusthan because of the complexities involved.
Where should VishwaMohan Anusthan be done?
Mostly done in North-Indian temples.
When should VishwaMohan Anusthan be done?
Anusthan should start at brahma muhurat & lasts for atleast 2-3 hours on a daily basis for a minimum of 35 Days.
How should VishwaMohan Anusthan be done?
VishwaMohan Anusthan should be done by celibate priests (Brahmacharis) in a temple with complete isolation. Electronic devices are completely prohibited during the course of anusthan.