Swayamvara Homa
Swayamwara Homa helps in finding the right match.
What is Swayamvara Homa?
Parvati Swayamvara Homa is done to get the right life partner. Other than this, the homa is performed to have a trouble-free post married life and also for conceiving a child on time.
Why is Swayamvara Homa done?
The Swayamvara Homa will ensure one gets the right life partner. By performing this Homa, the delay in marriage will be solved. Those couples, who are separated due to various reasons, will get rejoined. There will be harmony in married life and hurdles related to conceiving a child will be removed.
Who should do Swayamvara Homa?
This ritual is highly recommended for eligible girls seeking a partner of choice and desiring to enter into wedlock. Estranged couples also benefit from this ceremony.
Where should Swayamvara Homa be done?
The homa can be done at home, temple or any other location as advised by a priest.
When should Swayamvara Homa be done?
One can perform this auspicious homa on the birth star day or during Panchami Tithis that fall on Fridays.
How is Swayamvara Homa done?
The homa involved Chanting of mantras, Parvati Homa Sankalp, Lord Ganesha Puja, Kalasha Sthapana and puja for Parvati Homa. This is followed by Parvati Swayamvara Jap, Mrityunjaya Jap, Parvati Swayamvara Homam and Mrityuanjaya Homa. The homa concludes with Poornahuti. Prasad is distributed at the end of the homa followed by serving of food.