Saraswathi Homam
Saraswathi Homam helps in improving performance in academics and gaining wealth.
What is Saraswathi Homa?
Saraswati Homa is performed to achieve success in your academic pursuits, literary and other spheres of learning by invoking the goddess of wisdom and knowledge.
Why is Saraswathi Homa done?
Performing the Saraswati Homa will sharpen skills, and ensure good results in examinations. It provides smooth sailing in all literary pursuits and energizes you with the unique power to accomplish your goals. It instills confidence in the individual to achieve great success. The homa also acts as a remedy to speech-related problems and defects like stammering. It improves reasoning skills, concentration, memory power, focus and the ability to understand complex things.
Who should do Saraswathi Homa?
Saraswati Homa is recommended for those who are facing speech-related problems, those facing mental pressure and those lacking concentration or memory power. It is also good for artists and students to enhance creative skills.
Where should Saraswathi Homa be done?
Saraswathi Poojai or homam can be performed at home, temple or any other location as advised by the priest.
When should Saraswathi Homa be done?
This Saraswathi Homam is performed within 3 months before exams. Date is fixed according to one’s star, the yoga and tithi of that date.
How is Saraswathi Homa done?
The Saraswati homa involves Ganapathi puja, Punyaha Vachanam, Maha Sankalpam, Kalasa Puja
Navagraha Puja, Saraswathi Homa, Poornahuti and Ashirvachanam. Prasad is distributed at the conclusion of the puja.